
Lyrics to all songs on the website are shown below.  To download all lyrics in .pdf format, click here. To download lyrics associated with specific songs, click the download .pdf image() below the song lyrics.

All of Your Fears

As you lie down to sleep
I pray the Lord your soul to keep
May He put your mind at ease
And touch your heart like a warm, gentle breeze
And touch your heart like a warm, gentle breeze

On golden clouds the angels stand by
Ready to sing you this lullaby
And many as the stars above
They’re all sending you their kisses of love
They’re all sending you their kisses of love

Sleep, sleep, cry no more
Let all of your fears slip away
Sleep, sleep, cry no more
Let all of your fears slip away

As you lie down to sleep
I pray the Lord your soul to keep
May He put your mind at ease
And touch your heart like a warm, gentle breeze
And touch your heart like a warm, gentle breeze

Sleep, sleep, cry no more
Let all of your fears slip away
Sleep, sleep, cry no more
Let all of your fears slip away

Let all of your fears
All of your fears
Let all of your fears slip away

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 1999

Hail Mary

Hail Mary
Full of grace
The Lord is with you
And blessed are you
Among women
And blessed is
The fruit of your womb

Holy Mary
Mother of God
Pray for us sinners now
And at our final hour
Intercede for us
Who truly are in need
Pray for us sinners now
And at our final hour
We beg of you
To kindly hear our plea


Pray for us sinners now
And at our final hour
Intercede for us
Who truly are in need
Pray for us sinners now
And at our final hour
We beg of you
To kindly hear our plea. Amen.

Words by a combination of Angel Gabriel (Luke 1:28), Elizabeth (Luke 1:42), unknown 15th century author(s), and Bernard Leclerc
Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2016

I Could Be In Love

Who was I to think I had a chance
A chance to share in all you do
Who was I to think that dreams are real
And think that what I feel is true
Who was I to let myself believe
That I could be in love with you

I thought love was like heaven
But now I believe that it’s like hell
How could I have misread you
When I thought that I knew you so well

I was such a fool to think you’d leave her
Always felt that you’d be mine one day
Though you never lied I was blinded by my pride
Convinced that
I could win your heart away

Who was I to think I had a chance
A chance to share in all you do
Who was I to think that dreams are real
And think that what I feel is true
Who was I to let myself believe
That I could be in love with you
Yes I could be in love
I could be in love
Yes I could be in love with you.

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 1999
(updated November 17, 2006)

Matty Doo

I had heard the news that Matty died. The cause remained unclear.
He left behind a couple of kids and a wife that he held dear.
And though I hadn’t seen him for such a long, long while
I cherish all the times he made me laugh aloud and smile.

I had known him from the age of five from school and playing ball.
We used to play a lot outside, even when the rain would fall.
As time went by we parted and went our separate ways
But I kept something good inside from our childhood days.

Matty Doo, I was sad to hear the news
To hear you left this world so soon and all who cared for you.
Matty Doo, even though you never knew
You left a mark upon my soul that will stay my whole life through.

Though I knew he liked a drink or two to get him through the day
I had heard he found the narrow path and he never went astray.
And despite his fight with alcohol fond memories remain
Cause he’s the funny guy who brightened up my childhood days.

Matty Doo, I was sad to hear the news
To hear you left this world so soon and all who cared for you.
Matty Doo, even though you never knew
You left a mark upon my soul that will stay my whole life through.

Matty Doo, I was sad to hear the news
To hear you left this world so soon and all who cared for you.
Matty Doo, even though you never knew
You left a mark upon my soul that will stay my whole life through.
O Matty Doo

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc

© 2004

Much Better Off On My Own

Who’d ever believe it would happen like this
That I’d be the one to move on
It took me some time but I finally can see
That I’m much better off on my own

With all of your social skills
Able to get what you will
Perfect in most every way
You probably believe
That you’re just what I need
But I’m much better off on my own

Tired of love’s pretension
Of lies and jealous rage
It’s hard to believe
That your charm could deceive me so long
But I’m over you now

Who’d ever believe it would happen like this
That I’d be the one to move on
It took me some time but I finally can see
That I’m much better off on my own

Tired of love’s pretension
Of lies and jealous rage
It’s hard to believe
That your charm could deceive me so long
But I’m over you now

Who’d ever believe it would happen like this
That I’d be the one to move on
It took me some time but I finally can see
That I’m much better off on my own
Yes, I’m much better off on my own
Yes, I’m much better off on my own

Words and Music composed by Bernard Leclerc
Sung by Trish Costa
Arranged by Shahe Sinanoglu of Montreal, Canada
© 2003

My Older Brother

More than an accident of birth
And more than chance you’re here on earth
You’re a gift of life, a choice from up above
If there is one thing I must say
You never wished your life away
And dared to make your dreams come true

My older brother now and forever
I want to thank you for having walked through life together
You’ve held your head up high through stormy weather
And I’m proud to say that you’re my older brother

Growing up we used to fight as siblings often do
But we had our share of many good times too
From the hills of western Maine to San Francisco Bay
Your journey made the man you are today

My older brother now and forever
I want to thank you for having walked through life together
You’ve held your head up high through stormy weather
And I’m proud to say that you’re my older brother

Lady luck did come your way from as far as Vietnam
And graced you with both elegance and charm
You took her as your wife, a treasure to behold
The best move of your life if truth be told

My older brother now and forever
I want to thank you for having walked through life together
You’ve held your head up high through stormy weather
And I’m proud to say that you’re my older brother
Yes I’m proud to say that you’re my older brother

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2014

My Voice

Here I lie alone and frightened
Just conceived outside of love
Will I be an inconvenience
Or a gift from God above

Will I ever see the sun rise
And feel its warmth upon my face
Or will I be condemned to die
And disappear without a trace

Will you be my voice and my protector
And make my cry be heard
Will you be my voice and say I matter
As every life deserves
Will you be my voice ‘cause I’m defenseless
I haven’t got a choice
Will you be the one to be my voice

I don’t want to cause any sorrow
Ruin dreams or one’s tomorrows
But surely there has got to be
Someone whose arms will welcome me


Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2019

O Mama

Thank you for the gift of life
You gave to me at birth
And thank you for the love you gave
Throughout your life on earth
Thank you for the family
Of which I am a part
In memory you’ll always be
With me inside my heart

O Mama
I’m not feeling any less sad
To know you’re in the Father’s hands
Even though I should be glad
O Mama
I miss you, yes I do
But I have much to thank you for
This song is just for you
Yes I have much to thank you for
This song is just for you

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
Written in 1982
© 1998

Our Father

Our Father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors
And do not put us to the test
But deliver us from the evil one

Our Father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in heaven

For thine is the kingdom
And the power and the glory
Forever and ever. Amen.
For thine is the kingdom
And the power and the glory
Our Father who art in heaven
Forever and ever. Amen.

Words by Jesus Christ circa 30 A.D.
Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2017


Sarah, I can see in your eyes
Something is bothering you. I don’t know why.
Sarah, tell me what can it be
Where are the smiles that I once used to see.

Sarah, I can see in your eyes
Something is bothering you. I don’t know why.
Sarah, tell me what can it be
Where are the smiles that I once used to see.

Is it something that I’ve forgotten?
Is it something I’ve said or done wrong?
Have I acted unkind, Sarah, is it I’m blind?
Don’t you see that I can’t read your mind.

Sarah, I can see in your eyes
Something you’re hiding is hurting inside.
Sarah, tell me what can it be?
What is the secret you’re keeping from me?

Are you just trying to protect me?
Am I better off not knowing why?
If I am say the word, Sarah, just let me know.
Right or wrong I will still love you so.

Sarah, I can see in your eyes
Something is bothering you and I don’t know why.
Sarah, you’re the love of my life.
I just want you to be safe in this world
And to be happy, my little girl.

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2002


Simplify my life O Lord
Be always at my side
Show me the way to live out each day
Make your will my guide
Simplify my life O Lord
I long for lasting peace
Please take away what encumbers me
Give me only what I need

I admit the thought of moving on
Creates tremendous fear
And letting go of the world I know
Seems way too much to bear


I am drifting in a sea of doubt
Being tossed by stormy waves
I need your help. I’m reaching out
Extend your hand my way


Please take away
What encumbers me
I need to simplify

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2016

Tears of the Heart

The tears of the heart are the worst kind to cry
Cause the tears of the heart leave nothing to dry

When we lose someone dear in our lives people say
The passage of time will help heal
But memories linger both bitter and sweet
And attempts to move on don’t always change what we feel

The tears of the heart are the worst kind to cry
Cause the tears of the heart leave nothing to dry

If I could I would put your cross on my shoulders
And bear the weight of the load and make it my own
If I could I would take your place and console you
And fill the hole within your soul so you’re not alone

The tears of the heart are the worst kind to cry
Cause the tears of the heart leave nothing to dry
Yes the tears of the heart are the worst kind to cry

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 1999

The Knight
A Tribute to Armand Dumoulin
A Knight of Columbus

You’re the knight that I’d like to be
Standing tall, holding fast to your dreams
Always strong in all that you believe
You’re the knight that I’d like to be

Struggling throughout your daily life
Managing to cope the best that you can
Never speaking ill of anyone
You’re what it means to be a man
You’re what it means to be a man

Though life has taken its toll
I can still see the glow
Of a fire burning deep within your soul
Though life has taken its toll
You continue to grow
As the noblest knight that anyone could know

Though life has taken its toll
I can still see the glow
Of a fire burning deep within your soul
Though life has taken its toll
You continue to grow
As the noblest knight that anyone could know

You’re the knight that I’d like to be
Standing tall, holding fast to your dreams
Always strong in all that you believe
You’re the knight that I’d like to be
You’re the knight that I’d like to be

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 1998

To Those I Love

To those I love
When I am gone
Just release me, let me go into my afterglow.
To those I love
You must not tie me down with tears.
Let’s be happy that we had so many years.

I gave you my love and you can’t imagine
Just how much you made me happy.
I thank you for the love that you each have shown.
But now it’s time that I have traveled on alone.
Grieve if you must,
But let your grief be comforted with trust.

To those I love
It’s only for a while we part
So bless the memories within your heart.
And when you come this way alone
I will greet you with a smile
And a welcome home to those of you I love.

To those I love
It’s only for a while we part
So bless the memories within your heart.
And when you come this way alone
I will greet you with a smile
And a welcome home to those of you I love
And a welcome home to those of you I love.

Words adapted from a poem of an unknown author
Music composed by Bernard Leclerc
© 2013

When Is Love Over

When is love over
Tell me when does it end
Is love an illusion
In a game of pretend
When is love over
Am I right to believe
There is no use believing anymore

Is there no use believing
In a love that’s never shown
Cause I want no part of half a heart
I would rather be alone


Is it only wishful thinking
That time will change what’s wrong
And like autumn leaves when they’re falling
Is it time that I move on

When is love over
Tell me when does it end
Is love an illusion
In a game of pretend
When is love over
Am I right to believe
There is no use believing anymore
Is there no use believing anymore

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2000

You’re OK

I had a dream you came to life
And rose from where you lay
And in that dream you came to me
To say that you’re OK
You had the look of perfect health
A sign for me to see
That you’re alive and doing well
Within God’s company

It seemed so very natural
To see your rosy cheeks
As though you never really died
But only fell asleep
I know you couldn’t stay too long
But thank you anyway
For passing by to say hello
To say that you’re OK

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 1983

A Vous Que J’aime

A vous que j’aime
Quand l’heure viendra
Laissez-moi partir et briller dans l’au-delà
A vous que j’aime
Que vos pleurs ne m’enchaînent pas
Soyez heureux du temps passé ici-bas

Vous donnant mon cœur vous m’avez rendu
Plus heureux que je ne l’aurais jamais cru
Sachez que votre amour borde mon linceul
Il est temps pour moi de faire cavalier seul
Pleurez, s’il le faut
Mais laissez la confiance sécher vos pleurs

A vous que j’aime
Le temps viendra nous réunir
Dans votre Cœur chérissez les souvenirs
Lorsque vous-mêmes me rejoindrez
Mon sourire vous retrouverez
Soyez les bienvenus, à vous que j’aime

Paroles adaptées d’un poème d’auteur inconnu originalement en anglais. Musique composée par Bernard Leclerc © 2013. Arrangement par Jim West. Chant par Bernard Leclerc.  Voix de fond par Elena Ravelli et enregistrement par Mike Clark. Traduction française par Yann Marc.

© 2022

Apple of His Eye

Verse 1
I had an aunt Regina and an uncle named Gerard.
They lived two houses up the street, so they weren’t very far.
I saw them on their porch outside one evening in July
So I went on up to say hello and to sit and chat a while.

Verse 2
I asked them both a question regarding man and wife
And why they chose each other to settle down with for life.
Regina’s answer startled me. She said, ‘cause he was a nice guy.
But my uncle spoke more lovingly. She was the apple of his eye.

The apple of his eye, he said
The woman of his dreams
The apple of his eye, he said
She was his fantasy

Verse 3
I’ve always felt my uncle somewhat got the shaft
That the unrequited love he gave never met its match.
But who am I to judge someone in a matter of the heart
The fact remains he never complained and never did they part.

Instrumental Bridge

Chorus 2x
The apple of his eye, he said
The woman of his dreams
The apple of his eye, he said
She was his fantasy

© March 10, 2024
Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc

Asking You Please

Since the day that our eyes came together
It seems our love has been written in time
And like a suit tailor made for each other
We’re made to wear one another’s design

So I’m asking you please to marry me
Will you join me in making this vow
For as long as we live we will ask God to give
His blessings for our love to grow

I want you near me the rest of my life
For richer, for poorer, in sickness, in health
I want you near me the rest of my life
Will you be my wife

So I’m asking you please to marry me
Will you join me in making this vow
For as long as we live we will ask God to give
His blessings for our love to grow
If you will I’m asking you please

Instrumental of Bridge

So I’m asking you please to marry me
Will you join me in making this vow
For as long as we live we will ask God to give
His blessings for our love to grow
If you will I’m asking you please

Words and Music Composed by Bernard Leclerc
© 1998

Call My Name

Just call my name
And I’ll send my love from heaven
And if I can I’ll lend a helping hand

While I don’t guarantee that I can help you
I promise I will listen to your prayers
Like golden bowls of incense offered up to heaven’s throne
I’ll entrust them to the Father’s care

Just call my name
And I’ll send my love from heaven
And if I can I’ll lend a helping hand

But lest I fail to carry out my promise
I first must go before the perfect Lamb
So pray for me as I for you
That He should be so kind
To let me pass the last of all exams

Just call my name
And I’ll send my love from heaven
And if I can I’ll lend a helping hand
So just call my name

Composed by Bernard Leclerc
Copyright October, 2018

Diamond in the Dust
A Tribute to Susan Boyle

Verse 1
You walked into fire
Facing friend and foe
On a stage where dreams are made
As you would come to know

Verse 2
A gem undiscovered
For so many years
Hidden till you dreamed a dream
And brought us all to tears

And with your voice eyes were opened
A spell was broken
You helped us see that you indeed
Are a diamond in the dust

Verse 3
What once lay before you
A fetid sea of scorn
Soon became a sea of love
For you to sail upon

Verse 4
And in that precious moment
When all the tides did turn
A nightingale from Scotland
Taught a lesson to be learned

And with your voice eyes were opened
A spell was broken
You helped us see that you indeed
Are a diamond in the dust


With your voice eyes were opened
A spell was broken
You helped us see that you indeed
Are a diamond in the dust
You helped us see that you indeed
Are a diamond in the dust

Bernard Leclerc
©  October, 2023

Embers of Love

Verse 1
The fire we once had has now become quite sad
Much like a blaze consumed by rain, embers are all that remain

Verse 2
Memories are etched into my mind of our lips caught intertwined
And deep within this heart of mine I wish we could go back in time

Embers of love smoldering neath the pain
Looking for a match to light to re-ignite our flame

Verse 3
Wondering what to do to cause a spark, I’m here alone and in the dark
Praying on my knees to God above, begging for what we are in need of

Embers of love smoldering neath the pain
Looking for a match to light to re-ignite our flame

Embers though they are they still are glowing
A reason to believe that there is hope
That love is everlasting so will you join with me
In stirring up the fire that used to be

Embers of love smoldering neath the pain
Looking for a match to light to re-ignite our flame
Embers of love smoldering neath the pain
Looking for a match to light to re-ignite our flame
Embers of love

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© July, 2023

Give It Up

Verse 1
Today’s His birthday, let’s celebrate
A day the angels commemorate
A day of gladness, a day to sing
A day to praise our heavenly king

Give it up and clap your hands
He is born, the Son of Man
Give it up, though a child He be
Therein lies His majesty

Verse 2
In spite of His divinity
He chose to come into poverty
Among the lowly, among the weak
The Lord of all, the Prince of Peace


Verse 3
Sent from the Father, His only Son
To conquer death for everyone
A gift most holy, His very self
God is with us, Emmanuel


Give it up for His Majesty
Give it up for His majesty
Give it up for His Majesty

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2022

Hail O Star of the Ocean

A popular liturgical hymn of unknown origin. It can be dated back to at least the 9th century for it is preserved in the Codex Sangallensis, a 9th century manuscript now in the Swiss Monastery of St. Gallen. Its appearance in the Codex points to a composition in possibly the 8th century. The hymn is frequently attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) and sometimes has been attributed to King Robert (1031), both of whom are too late to have authored it.

Hail, O Star of the ocean, God’s own mother blest,
Ever sinless virgin, gate of heavenly rest.

Verse 1
Taking that sweet Ave, which from Gabriel came,
Peace confirm within us, changing Eva’s name.
Break the sinners’ fetters; make our blindness day;
Chase all evils from us; for all blessings pray.


Verse 2
Show thyself a mother; may the Word divine,
Born for us thine infant, hear our prayers through thine.
Virgin all excelling, mildest of the mild,
Free from guilt preserve us, meek and undefiled.


Keep our life all spotless; make our way secure
Till we find in Jesus joy forevermore.
Praise to God the Father, honor to the Son,
In the Holy Spirit, be the glory one.


Music composed by Bernard Leclerc
Copyright 3-28-2020 and revised 1-23-2023

I Believe

I believe in you
And in all you hope to do
I pray that everyday
The Lord will guide your way

I believe you’re heaven sent
Salt of the earth and different
I believe you’re an instrument of grace

I believe in the joy you bring
Like a bird that heralds spring
I believe in the love seen on your face

I believe in innocence like the sweetness of a child
Who only sees the good and has no guile
And I believe magnificence best describes your soul
A heart of gold I believe the world should know

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© July, 2024

I Do

Verse 1
I love you as you love me and that is where we both agree
Although you don’t remember me
When I see within your eyes that I’m not recognized
I long for how we used to be

When I said “I do” I meant it for all time
In sickness and in health until we die
When I said “I do” it’s ‘cause I always knew
Our love would remain forever true

Verse 2
The leaves are falling from the trees of your mind’s sweet memories
But I will catch them all and keep them safe
I’ll hold them close within my heart until the day that we must part
And never will I go; I’m here to stay

When I said “I do” I meant it for all time
In sickness and in health until we die
When I said “I do” it’s ‘cause I always knew
Our love would remain forever true


When I said “I do” I meant it for all time
In sickness and in health until we die
When I said “I do” it’s ‘cause I always knew
Our love would remain forever true
Since the day we both said “I do”

Bernard Leclerc
© 2021

I Wait For You

I wait for you
Staring out my bedroom window
Nothing else to do
So I wait for you

I know that you’re busy
I don’t deny it’s true
Can’t you ever find the time
To pay a visit too

It would make me happy
Just to see your face
And if you couldn’t stay for long
That would be okay

Instrumental (melody of “I wait for you…”)

I know that you’re busy
I don’t deny it’s true
Can’t you ever find the time
To pay a visit too

It would make me happy
Just to see your face
And if you couldn’t stay for long
That would be okay

I wait for you
Staring out my bedroom window
Nothing else to do
So I wait for you
I wait for you

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© April 22, 2021

I Wonder

I wonder where the children are
I wonder where they’ve gone
I’m looking for their innocence
And if there’s hope to carry on

I wonder if we’ll ever see
An end to all animosity
And is it way too much to think
There’s a chance for peace and unity

I wonder if there’s mercy
Enough to spare our lives
I wonder if it’s just too late
Has salvation passed us by

Any way to change direction
Anywhere to turn
Have we traveled well beyond
The point of no return
Is the end of time upon us
Should we be resigned
I wonder what’s to be
Of humankind

Instrumental solo (eight bars/melody of one of the verses)

Any way to change direction
Anywhere to turn
Have we traveled well beyond
The point of no return

Is the end of time upon us
Should we be resigned
I wonder what’s to be
Of humankind

Tell me where the children are
I don’t know where they’ve gone
I’m looking for their innocence
And if there’s hope to carry on

I wonder if there’s mercy
Enough to spare our lives
I wonder if just too late
Has salvation passed us by
I wonder if it’s just too late
Has salvation passed us by

Composed by Bernard Leclerc
June 21, 2020
© 2020

I’ll Be Waiting

You are in my heart forever in my soul
As I let down my guard you then take it whole
It’s not very smart playing all my cards
So you know my next move when I reach out to you

So here I stand, the shell of a man
Talking as a friend wanting more again
I wish you’d stay just one more day
Gotta go your own way and that’s okay

I know what you like yet you catch me by surprise Looking in your eyes brings my world to life
But you have built a wall. I see it standing tall
No way over now. Cannot be knocked down

So here I stand, the shell of a man
Talking as a friend wanting more again
I wish you’d stay just one more day
Gotta go your own way and that’s okay
Cause I’ll be waiting

Oh, I’ll be waiting for minds changing
But I am praying as I need saving
For all the years we’ve spent so near
Memories so clear – I’ll be waiting

Bernard Leclerc
© May 2023


Verse 1
I once met a girl named Isabella
A belle Québécoise from French Canada
We got along great so we started to date
And soon became soulmates

Verse 2
She spoke in français and I in anglais
Sometimes we misunderstood what was said
But never a day was there we wouldn’t say
These words that went this way

La vie vaut la peine d’être vécue
Life’s worth the pain of living
No matter what happens, whatever we do
Love will see us through

Verse 3
I woke up one morning with her by my side
And she wasn’t moving; twas not a good sign
I called 911 and as you might guess
She lay in heavenly rest

La vie vaut la peine d’être vécue
Life’s worth the pain of living
No matter what happens, whatever we do
Love will see us through

Can you hear my cry
Why couldn’t it have been I

Instrumental of Verses

La vie vaut la peine d’être vécue
Life’s worth the pain of living
No matter what happens, whatever we do
Love will see us through

Isabella I love you

Isabella is an Italian and Spanish variation of Elizabeth, which comes from the Hebrew name Elisheba, meaning “devoted to God” or “God is my oath.”

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© September 29, 2023

Jack of All Trades

A jack of all trades and a master of none
He was our father for good and for bad.
He drank like a fish and worked like a dog
And he earned everything that he had.

A man of few needs and a man of great pride
His affections were something he would hide.
He showed us his love not in word but in deed
Through the works of his hands he’d provide.

He was our father, a jack of all trades
Outdoorsman and athlete and more.
He was our father and in his own way
His family is what he lived for.

A tiller of the earth and an artist with wood
Electrician, and plumber as well
A painter, a skier, and baker of bread
Which adorned our house with its smell.

But what he loved the most was to be outside
Where the brooks and the rivers flow free.
No one else around, just the birds and their sounds,
Where he’d fish and go to find peace.


Stoic till the end when cancer closed his eyes
He met his fate with brave resolve in the quiet of the night.


Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© 2012

Je Le Veux

Couplet 1
On s’aime toujours autant qu’avant, aucun doute pour moi
Même si tu ne t’en souviens pas
Et maintenant que je vois que tu ne me reconnais pas
J‘aspire au temps d‘autrefois

Quand j’ai dit “Je le veux” c’était pour nous deux
Dans la santé comme dans la maladie
Quand j’ai dit “Je le veux” je savais que notre amour
Devait durer pour toujours

Couplet 2
Tes souvenirs tombent doucement comme les feuilles d’automne au vent
Je les attrape et je les garderai
Il en va de même de mes vœux pour toi devant Dieu tant qu’il m‘en donne la foi
De çà tu peux en être assurée



Quand j’ai dit “Je le veux” c’était pour nous deux
Dans la santé comme dans la maladie
Quand j’ai dit “Je le veux” je savais que notre amour
Devait durer pour toujours
“Je le veux” et, alors, c’est ainsi

Version française de “I Do” de Bernard Leclerc
© 2021

Like Fools

I don’t know what you have heard and if it may be true
I don’t know if it was meant to hurt my chance with you
I don’t know if we are broken and where it is we stand
And if the words that you heard spoken have marred me as a man

What shall I do for you
To make you see that people can be cruel
That’s what they like to do
They’re only trying to make us look like fools

I sense that what was said has left you wondering
If I am who I am, not who I was
But I have told you everything, my failures and my flaws
I’ve bared my soul and you have seen it raw

I don’t know what you have heard and if it may be true
I don’t know if it was meant to hurt my chance with you
I don’t know if we are broken and where it is we stand
And if the words that you heard spoken have marred me as a man

What shall I do for you
To make you see that people can be cruel
That’s what they like to do
They’re only trying to make us look like fools
They’re only trying to make us look like fools

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© July, 2023

Little Star

Verse 1
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wish you weren’t so far
If I could I’d learn to fly
And go and see you in the sky

Little star shine so bright
That the world may see your light
Little star, my delight
You’re welcome every night

Verse 2
Unlike other stars I see
You will always speak to me
And this is what I hear you say
“Come on out; let’s go play”


Verse 3
You’re the only star I know
Who’ll smile upon the earth below
That is why I think it’s true
That you know me and I know you


Bernard Leclerc
© 2022

Lorsque Saint Michel Viendra

Couplet 1
Comme les vagues sur la plage qui viennent et s’en vont
Comme elles, nous retournerons d’où nous venons
Et tout ce qui restera de nous, une empreinte éternelle,
Sera écrit dans l’univers, fixé dans le ciel

Lorsque Saint Michel viendra
Nous tendre la main
Qu’il nous guide au meilleur lendemain
Lorsque Saint Michel viendra
Nous emmener vers le Seigneur
Que nous trouvions paix et bonheur

Couplet 2
Certains partent rapidement, un sort bien malheureux
Certains vivent sagement, qui connaissent les enjeux
Mais à la fin notre destin dépendra de Lui
De son amour de sa lumière brillant au bout de la nuit

Paroles et musique de Bernard Leclerc © 2022
Traduction: Yann Marc et Bernard Leclerc 2022

Manger Maker

Verse 1
For each of his children and all he held dear
Our father made mangers at Christmas each year
And each one was different, no two were the same
A gift of Yuletide cheer

Verse 2
He scattered some hay upon which Jesus lay
And added some sheep and cattle
But right in the middle and down on their knees
Were the figures of Joseph and Mary

We called him the manger maker
Truly an art creator
He fashioned some wood as only he could
To provide Jesus with shelter

Verse 3
Atop of each manger beneath the stars
Looking down on the scene below
He mounted an angel whose job was to guard
This most blessed of homes

The story goes that in Bethlehem
There was no room at the inn
And a virgin with child conceived without sin
Gave birth to the king of all men

Instrumental Solo (melody of Verse 3)

Repeat Bridge

Repeat Verse 1

Repeat Chorus
Yes, he fashioned some wood as only he could
He was our father the manger maker

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
Written August, 2020
© 2020

Most Exalted One

Hail Most Exalted One
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus

Holy Mary Mother of God
Pray for us sinners now
And at the hour of our death


Holy Mary Mother of God
Pray for us sinners now
And at the hour of our death
Pray for us sinners now
And at the hour of our death

Bernard Leclerc
© April 21, 2021

My Guardian Angel

Verse 1
My guardian angel whose name I do not know
Assigned to keep me safe, a friend of the Holy Ghost
Come down from heaven, a star of endless light
To lead me by the hand through the shadows of the night

‘Neath my guardian angel’s wings, she carries me along
A melody of hope, an endless song
And here to guide me home one day upon my journey’s end
My guardian angel will always be my friend

Verse 2
My guardian angel knows just how weak am I
Removing all the stones that in my pathway lie
Her tender touches, a balm unto my soul
Inspire courage and strength to make me whole

‘Neath my guardian angel’s wings, she carries me along
A melody of hope, an endless song
And here to guide me home one day upon my journey’s end
My guardian angel will always be my friend

‘Neath my guardian angel’s wings, she carries me along
A melody of hope, an endless song
And here to guide me home one day upon my journey’s end
My guardian angel will always be my friend
My guardian angel will always be my friend

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© August 25, 2024

No Need to Cry

Verse 1
Close your eyes that you may see
That I’m not just a memory
Listen to your heart; that’s where I’ll be
I can hear you when you speak
Feel your breathing as you sleep
And hold you in my arms when you weep

There’s no need to cry
I’m here with you
I tell you, it’s no lie
I’m by your side

Verse 2
So you’ll know you’re not alone
I’ll send you signs from my new home
With loads of tugs and hugs from God above
And though it seems that I am gone
I haven’t left; my life goes on
Watching over you is what I do

There’s no need to cry
I’m here with you
I tell you, it’s no lie
I’m by your side

Instrumental (8 bars)

There’s no need to cry
I’m here with you
I tell you, it’s no lie
I’m by your side
Cause two hearts joined by love as one
Never ever die
And that is why there is no need to cry
And that is why there is no need to cry

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© January 16, 2024


Verse 1
Photographs hanging on the walls
In all the rooms and all the halls
Taken all by you as I recall
Each with its own history
And very special memories
Of moments shared in time by you and me

Verse 2
When it seemed that all was fine
That love was great and life was kind
Everything just turned upon a dime
Suddenly you slipped away
And now I don’t know what to say
I’m at a loss to make it through the day

Your photographs on the walls
In all the rooms and all the halls
Are my attempt to keep you near
Cause through your photographs
I believe that you are here

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© June, 2022


Verse 1
There’s no place I’d rather be
Than here with you in front of me
Drowning in your eyes I’m mesmerized
I feel that you’re my destiny
From now until eternity
Heaven must have planned our lives

So will you marry me and forever be my timeless melody.  For like a symphony our love resounds in perfect harmony

Verse 2
Every time we’re face to face
A tender kiss or warm embrace
Your gentle touch sets my heart ablaze
And all the moments we have shared
So sweet and pure beyond compare
Glow within the beauty of your gaze

So will you marry me and forever be my timeless melody.  For like a symphony our love resounds in perfect harmony


So will you marry me and forever be my timeless melody.  For like a symphony our love resounds in perfect harmony

Marry me and forever be my timeless melody
Like a symphony in perfect harmony

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© May, 2024

The Jesus Prayer/La Prière de Jésus

O Lord Jesus Christ
Son of God
Have mercy on me a sinner
O Lord Jesus Christ

Ô Seigneur Jésus Christ
Fils de Dieu
Prends pitié de moi, pécheur
Ô Seigneur Jésus Christ

Music composed by Bernard Leclerc
Copyright March 2020


The prayer’s origin is most likely the Egyptian desert, which was settled by the monastic Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers in the 5th century.

Scriptural roots

The Jesus Prayer combines three Bible verses: the Christological hymn of the Pauline epistle Philippians 2:6–11 (verse 11: “Jesus Christ is Lord”), the Annunciation of Luke 1:31–35 (verse 35: “Son of God”), and the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican of Luke 18:9–14, in which the Pharisee demonstrates the improper way to pray (verse 11: “God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican”), whereas the Publican prays correctly in humility (verse 13: “God be merciful to me a sinner”).

Tic Toc

Tic, toc, the clock has stopped
A moment set in time
As if to mark a brand new start
Of a life much more sublime

Tic, toc, the pain has gone
Restless nights are over
Peace has finally come your way
Beginning with today

If I could climb up to Heaven
If only for awhile
I’d peak inside the pearly gates
To catch your glowing smile

If I could climb up to Heaven
I’d stand outside its door
Just in case they’d let me in
To hold you close once more

Tic, toc, you’ve paid your dues
You’ve earned your just reward
For all the trials that you’ve been through
You’re surely with the Lord
Yes, you’re surely with Lord

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
© April 2022

When Saint Michael Arrives

Verse 1
Like the waves upon the shore flowing out to sea
We’ll all return to whence we came, the Source of you and me
And on the way we’ll leave behind a trail engraved in time
Of tracks inscribed in history and in eternity

So when St. Michael arrives
To take us to our Maker
May he bring us to an open door
And when St. Michael arrives
Our guardian and protector
May he lead us safely to the Lord

Verse 2
Some are quick to make the trip; some are made to wait
Some are wise in how they live knowing what’s at stake
For in the end our fate depends upon the Man Above
To what extent His heart will bend in mercy and in love

So when St. Michael arrives
To take us to our Maker
May he bring us to an open door
And when St. Michael arrives
Our guardian and protector
May he lead us safely to the Lord
May he lead us safely to the Lord

Words and Music by Bernard Leclerc
Copyright February 11, 2021

Songs to Soothe the Soul